Sunday, July 15, 2018

My Week’s Activities

Monday, July 9th, I worked at my job, afterwards stopping off at Fry’s for groceries due to the monsoon storm occurring at that time.  I keep an umbrella in my backpack, so it has come in handy this week.

After grocery shopping, I stopped off at Staples to pick up the zippered notebook I ordered.  More on that later.  Then I went home, ran my bedding in the washer and dryer, and after feeding the cats and myself, I took a bag of plastics and aluminum cans to the recycling area before going to bed for the night.

Tuesday, July 10th, again there was a monsoon storm leaving work.  I went straight home, and managed to beat the UPS delivery guy in stopping off to drop off another package, from Costco, to my home.  I had already fed the cats, so I took the donations for Deseret Industries out of the house.  It has completely filled the back seat in my car.  Then I ate dinner and watched some YouTube.

Wednesday, July 11th,  I headed straight over to Deseret Industries with the piles of bags of donations.  I lost count of how many bags, but it completely filled the back seat area of my car!  Due to the storms again for tonight, no recycling was taking over to the center.  Maybe Saturday.

Thursday, July 12th, after going home and feeding the cats, I went to Costco and put gas in the car, as well as picked a few minor purchases.  I actually went there to get something in particular for one of my nieces, however Costco didn’t have it available.  I need to do more laundry and dishes, but right now, I’m just enjoying sitting and not doing too much of anything.  LOL.  A long week.

Friday, July 13th, the one year anniversarry of my Mother’s passing.  My day is packed.  After eating breakfast, I did have the presence of mind to take a couple of ibuprofen before going to the dentist.  An implant has been installed.  Afterwards, I went home and switched out my notebook to a new notebook from Case It.  Here are a few pictures.

Click here for the post on my planner, including a link for the daily planner pages.

I stopped off and made a deposit at the Credit Union which is across the street from the Discount Tire where I had my tires rotated and the low pressure ones filled back up with air.

Once that was done, I packed up a package for one of my nieces, along with the silk flowers for the graves of my parents and husband.  These are going to be Days  13 & 14 for the 31 Days challenge.

I delivered the package for the niece in east Gilbert, then drove to the cemetery and put the flowers on the graves.

Last year the office for the mortuary and cemetery caught fire and was bulldozed down to the cement foundation.  Because of this, the chapel where we held my Father’s service was no more.  Mom’s service was held in the Mausoleum.  It looks like it has been recently finished and the moving trucks were there to get it finished.

After the cemetery, I drove down the road to where Mom and I used to go a lot for lunch or dinner - In & Out.

It’s not every day a girl get’s told she’s number 1!

Saturday, July 14.  The day started off with several loads of laundry and two loads of dishes.  I also cleaned the counters and floor in my kitchen.  After watching a few of the new FlyLady series of videos on the Sink Reflections book, I went ahead and checked the Christmas lights and found they were all working.  I called the Stake Young Women’s President and they were more than happy to take them.  Yay!  I drove them over and delivered them, so they are now out of my home.  I still need to get the donations for the Animal Control Center over there, I just wasn’t in the mood for driving in the heat.

I still need to go through the sheets and pillow cases, I have more clothes to go through, they are in the guest bathroom in a bin.  I also have some salvageable kitchen items from Mom’s house that are in a separate bin and need to be boxed up and donated.  I still have a lot of work to do, but it is eventually getting there and I’m starting to see results.  Some of my dresser drawers:

The hanging stuff in my closet:

See the gap below?  That’s called progress!

Sunday, July 15 - a quiet day of laundry, dishes, and getting three days of bags gathered and blogged for Monday- Wednesday.  I also washed the cat’s water bowls.

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