Saturday, November 17, 2018

Update 11/17/18

It’s just hit the 9 o’clock curfew and I’m reconciling the October budget so I can move on to the November budget.

I’ve gotten quite a bit done this past week and hope to get more done on Saturday.

Sunday I have to meet with colleagues from work to take care of some business, so Church is not an option.

This will get better, this will get smoother, but I’m off to a great start.

The vitamins do wonders for my moods, as does the 8 hours of sleep.

I haven’t actually started in the journal yet, these are freebie pages from the Clever Fox Planner site where you can get a free sample.  It’s helping me to get started so that when January comes, I know what to expect.

Ahhh.  It’s the weekend.

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