Monday, November 19, 2018

A Sad Day

I went to work after coming home with an empty carrier.  Two of Mom’s pets (a dog and a cat) were given new homes and new opportunities in California.  One of Mom’s cats (Jamey) passed away after being in my home for a few months.  Faith made it to a little over a year.  I still have two cats from Mom, Beezer from a friend of mine and my Rachel, who has been with me since 2005.  They all need to be taken to the vet for shots, microchips and any other checkups they need.  This will need to take place in 2019.

I got to work 1 hour 45 minutes late, thankfully I was able to work an extra 45 minutes tonight, and I can take the rest as General Leave time.

I have a slight headache after everything that went on this morning.  I also feel drained.  Emotionally and physically.

It felt weird feeding only 4 cats instead of 5 and the house is quiet without Faith, who I lovingly called “The Town Crier” because she would just start meowing.

I am thankful to have had this much time with her and I hope she knows she was loved here.

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