Thursday, February 1, 2018

Peter Walsh - Final Days of 31 Days To Get Organized

While I did get some of these done - there were a lot of other cleaning "challenges" I accomplished but those that were not a part of these challenges.  I'm hoping by next year I'll be able to actually fully participate.

In the meantime, I have cleared a lot of stuff out of my home, I've reorganized my master bathroom, This week, I spent my lunch breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday delivering items for donations to various charities, including one that is looking for unopened toiletries that I was able to finally find a new home for the opened pads and tampons I don't use anymore since the endometrial ablation that was done some years ago.

I have a lot more to go, but I've also boxed up and round up the clutter from the Suburban and Maverick that got dumped into the back of my car - to where I can actually use the seats again.  There is more that needs to be removed from the car, much of it will need to be taken to the Household Hazardous Waste on February 10th.  That will be first thing in the morning that day, and right afterwards I will be re-loading up the car - this time with boxes of old books - for the McClintock High School Thrift Drive.

There is still a few more things that need to be taken care of as far as Mom's estate, but the heaviest burden of all of this is over.  Her cats are doing well, I need to get them vaccinated and to see if I can find anyone who would like a good cat or two to adopt in their home.  They have all been so shell shocked, they now know that they are loved and cared for here, but there are still some skirmishes between the cats, so it would be good if they had their own homes to go to where they don't have feel they need to compete for attention.

Many thanks to Peter Walsh for putting this together - all of these videos on a daily basis is a lot of work.  Also many thanks to Julie Morgenstern.  Years ago I bought the DVD and the book for Organizing From The Inside Out and that has been my go-to for inspiration and advice as I go through this process of planning, strategizing and attacking the clutter in my home to not only get rid of the clutter but to also create a new home for myself that functions much better than this home has in the past.

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