Thursday, November 23, 2017

2018 Daily Task Schedules

For 2018, I have "tweaked" the Daily Task Schedule forms to make them look more uniform, but also eliminating the Not Important stuff (for the most part) as everything you do should have some importance to you.

The tweaks in the system come from my having to use this while handling the situation with Mom in July and the work that has been required since then.  This system really saved me as there was too much for me to keep in my head and writing it down helped me to better organize what needed to be done in what order and in what degree of urgency.

What I've come up with is a variation of the "Eisenhower Method" created by President Ike Eisenhower while he was serving as President of the United States, and very possibly while he was serving in the Armed Forces.  I'm not too clear on the history, I just know that he is known for this method.

If you don't know what I'm talking about or how to use it, check out the video from Dr. Randy Pausch, who used this up until his passing in 2008.

Here are the revised pages for 2018:

Hopefully this year will be a productive year for you, as I'm hoping it will be for me.

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