Monday, October 8, 2018

Some Progress

Now that I’m off the heavy duty meds and the antibiotics are kicking in, I’ve actually been getting a bit of cleaning done these past few days.

Saturday I did a number of loads of laundry, two loads of dishes, changed a litter box and took two bags of trash out. Gathered the can and plastics recycling to get everything off the countertops.

Sunday I did more laundry, more dishes and wiped down the countertops in the master bath and kitchen.  I also wiped the dust from the dust storms off the front screen door and front door.

Today I did grocery shopping during my lunch break (BIG TIME SAVER!!!), I’m laundering my bedding, I’ve taken out some cardboard boxes to the recycling.  I’ve also taken two of the empty 5 gallon water jugs to the car so I can fill them on my way home tomorrow.


Tomorrow is check on the finances day, go over the budget, and handle a few transactions.  Hopefully I’ll have some time for taking more recycling to the recycling center.

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