Thursday, March 12, 2020

Update 12 March 2020

Today has been a great day!

I spent time with my dear friend and hair miracle worker, Dina, while she cut and styled my hair for a concert this evening.  I’ve been looking scruffy for weeks now, so it was well past time to get a haircut.

I took a test drive afterwards so I would know where the venue for tonight’s concert was, I was glad I did!  There was a lot of rush hour traffic going on, but at least I knew where I was going!

I stopped by the cemetery and spent a little time with Decker and with my Parents.  I love and miss them both and the rains really cleaned up the markers.

I went and picked up groceries at Walmart and then enjoyed some YouTube videos to keep the anxiety down before changing clothes and leaving for the concert.

By the time I arrived, Hilary and I assume her husband, were out in the parking lot talking with people.  I went over to say hello and that was when she broke the news that the shows have been cancelled until it’s safe to have concerts with the Coronavirus.  I was so sad, but mostly for them, as they had travelled all the way out here, set up and rehearsed, did sound checks, only to have the shows cancelled.  Hilary was so nice and gracious about the entire thing.  I’ve seen Hilary perform at Time Out For Women, but somehow God blessed me to be able to get a meet and greet VIP ticket before they sold out and I was really looking forward to meeting Hilary.  There will be other times and future shows, but I at least got to meet her and chat for a few minutes with her.  She was very gracious in consenting to a picture with me.

I wish her and everyone on her team safe travels back home.

On the drive home, I did a drive-by of the Gilbert Temple, and while there were still people there, I’m assuming it will be closed until further notice since I got word after arriving home that Church meetings have been suspended until further notice.  I was blessed to see, though, the closest (and largest) rainbow.  It was gorgeous and I said a quiet prayer of gratitude as I travelled home.

Here is a video for the song I wake up to every morning.

Now to eat some dinner and settle in for the night.

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