Monday, May 14, 2018

The Cleaning Continues

Saturday:  I spent part of the day providing what service I could at a funeral, another chunk of the day sleeping.  I did get a load of laundry and a load of dishes done.

Sunday:  After Church, I took a load of recycling out, I ran several loads of laundry and 2 loads of dishes.  I also dusted the walls in the master bathroom, cleaned the toilet and wiped down the counter.

Monday:  After work I went to Costco, gassed up the car and stocked up on a few essentials.  Afterwards, I came home and took out another load of recycling before picking up some groceries at Walmart.  I was too tired to get up and do a load of laundry, so that will have to wait until tomorrow.  Unfortunately, this means I will not be able to attend the Emergency Preparedness meeting tomorrow night as I need to get more laundry done and get a bag packed.  We will see what other joy holds for tomorrow.  :-D

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