Friday, January 17, 2020

The Cost of Keeping Up With The Joneses

These are channels I’m following, on top of others who have been in this process for the last few years, because I love to see people succeeding in life after God giving people the proverbial two by four across the head (as my husband would put it).

I was starting to get like this when Decker and I were first married, but God took Decker home unexpectedly and I retreated back into a hole.  I was tremendously blessed, though, as Decker had life insurance and that got me through eight years of life until the crash took the last of the money.  By that time, I was working in public education and five years later moving to a job at the district office as I could no longer afford food on what I was making.

Keep in mind, I didn’t have a smart phone (I still don’t), I didn’t have cable tv (only cable internet) and refused to sell my home to get a bigger and better one when times were good because I have plenty where I’m at and it’s paid for.

Is life perfect for me?  No.  I am, however, blessed.  I am so thankful that God and my husband watched over me for so many years and provided the advice needed for a very frightened widow.

I have one debt; the credit card used for the medical stuff from last year.  That is priority one.

Much of this, though, also involves doing things in a healthy way other than complete deprivation.  When last year was over, I was left with a significant debt but also a nice chunk of money built up from the 52 week savings challenge.

The question I had was, okay, do I keep it all in savings or put all of it towards debt?

God had a better plan.  Put 1/2 of the money onto my HSA card to cover a chunk of medical expenses for 2020 and the other 1/2 into my medical sinking fund.

Since following that prompting, I have felt complete peace.

On top of that, I’m still paying 1/2 of each paycheck towards the credit card, plus re-starting the 52 week savings plan, plus adding money towards the pets as they all need to have checkups this year.

Then, because I wasn’t living on every dime I make, I noticed a deposit this past week to my checking account that I wasn’t expecting.  It was the monthly distribution from my Mother’s IRA that she left to me as sole beneficiary.  The money is also considered to be sacred, and I placed it in the pet sinking fund to assist me in taking care of her cats along with my own cats.

God has been very good to me.

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