Thursday, January 2, 2020

I Did A Little Bit of Shopping...

Today was one of those days where I spent the majority of the day not at home.

I started off going to the cemetery - being followed by some woman in an SUV who decided she needed to know where I was going.  She followed me until I drove into the cemetery.  I don’t know what she was thinking, but I’m hoping her perspective has changed.

I had some plastic poinsettias for my parents and Decker, but there was rain for both Christmas and New Year, so I finally made it out there today.

Then I did a “little” shopping.

I did a drive by trip to the Gilbert Temple (parking lot was packed, which made me happy) and then went to the Deseret Bookstore down the street from the Temple to get a new calendar.  Yeah, I found that and a few other items...

I then went to JoAnn, even though I was actually trying to find a Michael’s store, but I couldn’t help myself.  The cat lady bag called out to me.  LOL.

Then, I finally found a Michaels store!  I wanted the cart, but I found some writing books on sale and couldn’t help myself.  I also found a different selection of the stickers for my planner!  Now I just need to figure out how to put the cart together...  LOL

The llama on the bicycle called out to me...  LOL

After all of this, I stopped at the credit union to take care of some banking business and I went home.

I haven’t shopped like this in a LONG time, but I’m set for the next decade...

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