Monday, November 11, 2019

Taking A Break From Social Media

I got triggered with a recent online feud between two people I’ve never met.  Thankfully, I had an appointment with my therapist this morning, so between him and the meds I was able to make some sense as to why this triggered me.

The two people are feuding over gossip and rumors.  When do rumors become gossip?  When does sharing information  become slander?

My opinion is both parties are at fault.

Is it hurtful when people talk about you behind your back?  Yes, and it ruins any trust that might have been there between you and the other person.  Trust that is hard and takes years to regain, if at all.  I’ve been the object of hurtful gossip and hurtful behaviors from people I should have been able to trust and from a place where I should have expected love and acceptance.  Yet, I couldn’t let it go.

There have been other times, however, when I have been the one lashing out and saying hurtful things towards others, and others, in a place where there should have been love and acceptance instead faced criticism and snarky comments from me.  I have repented of these times, but it doesn’t mean I don’t remember and feel regret and remorse.

My problem has been letting go and letting God, as used by Alcoholics Anonymous.  I’m learning.

In the meantime, I’m hoping these two people can move on with this feud and find the love and acceptance they seek.

In the meantime, I’m taking a break.  I don’t know how long a break, I’ll know when I’m ready to come back.

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