Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mist of Darkness - Book of Mormon

As you may have read earlier, I am seeking light, knowledge according to the personal plan of happiness God has in store for me (and everyone on this Earth).  One of the questions that I’ve had for a while - and was answered today - was regarding the Book of Mormon’s account of Lehi’s Vision in 
1st Nephi chapter 8.

My questions were:

How does Lehi’s Vision account for the uniqueness of our individual journeys through life?

Is there a Rod of Iron for each of us, or only one?

Where in the dream accounts for the trials of our lives, particularly when Satan is coming at us?  When we experience pain, grief, depression, anxiety and other physical afflictions?

Where does the Atonement of Jesus Christ apply to us in this dream?

I found the answers to most of this while studying and praying regarding these questions today.

The answer is in the mist of darkness described beginning in verse 23.

The mist of darkness is where the view of the Tree of Life is obscured and we must choose who we will serve, God or man.  Where will our faith be?

All of those different paths our lives take occurs in this mist, not just the temptations to leave, but also grieving, pain, depression, anxiety and other afflictions.  This is where the Atonement of Jesus Christ was suffered for and meant for us to take into our lives to keep the mist at bay.  The light of God, for some, can even part the mist to provide a clear vision - personal revelation.

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