Friday, January 25, 2019

One Week On Medication

Last Friday night I started new medication prescribed as part of my depression / anxiety therapy, as well as grieving therapy.

It was a little rough at the start, which was why I waited until a weekend to start it, and thankfully it turned out to hit on a three day weekend to give me more time to get acclimated to it.

There is still some issues with sleeping and restless leg syndrome, but I am getting things worked out, namely with ibuprofen to help block the aching that I feel causes the restlessness.

There has also been more tremors, but 1/2 dose of the Primidone has helped with that.  

I’ve had more energy as a result of all of this, meaning I’ve not depended so heavily on chocolate.  Those cravings have decreased.

I have had to deal with nausea first thing in the morning, as the medication is in my system, but I don’t have any food in my stomach, so the nausea sets in.  The first morning back to work, Tuesday, I brought breakfast and some 7 up for my stomach.  Since then, I’ve been able to handle breakfast without the 7 up.  Again, once food is in my stomach, the nausea goes away.

All in all, I’m thankful for this.

I also had a huge blessing in that I went to my cardiologist and found out the PET scan that was done on me during break showed everything was clean, and I have a healthy heart.  The chest pains I’ve had over the last few years has been largely due to stress.  With the medication I’ve started, those chest pains have not come back.


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