Saturday, September 1, 2018

Slowly Getting There

With the monsoons come bronchitis and sinusitis as well as depression.

While some things were maintained, I couldn’t take out the recycling due to dust and rain.  The bins used for the cardboard are open.  With that mess, also the mess of litter boxes not maintained given that I couldn’t handle the dust.

Today is recycling day for me, because the city picks up the recycling on Wednesday mornings, which means the bins are empty and I don’t have to figure out how to get my stuff in the bin that isn’t already full.

Oh, and the last few days have seen a load of dishes each day.

I still need to get some laundry done, but we are getting there.

Did I get all of the recycling out?  No.  But it’s a lot more manageable now than it was before I took a car load over.

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