Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dream A Little Dream of Me

Yes, I've been dreaming again. I don't know what I've done (or eaten for that matter) to warrant this, but the last three nights have been dream filled.

Last night I had a dream about an old friend who turned out to be more than a friend. He kissed me. Sparks flew. I awoke wondering if I was being shown who I would be marrying. I went to Church today with that thought in my head, and the Spirit gave me a feeling of complete peace, as if to say this was the message of the dream. I don't know where to go from here, because while I've tried to renew this friendship, he hasn't, mostly because his head is with his plants. He is a biology/botany teacher for high school students.

This afternoon was an unrelated dream, I dreamt I was at an Oprah camp to work on my music. I haven't worked on my music in so long, I wanted to do some things this past summer, but couldn't when Mom fell ill. Who knows, maybe this will be my music filled summer? I already have tickets to see Barry Manilow on two consecutive nights.

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