Sunday, April 26, 2020

Update 26 April 2020

Anxiety.  Depression.

I had the wonderful blessing of having two men from my Ward come to my home to administer both the Sacrament and a Priesthood Blessing.

It was beautiful and definitely needed.

This past week I finally started re-writing the book I had begun while Mom was still alive.  What she didn’t know then, but probably knows now in Heaven, is that a character in the book was going to be modeled after her.  Friday night I finished a 544 word character profile for the protagonist.  It was more about the journey of this character (modeled after me) and felt a deep sense of accomplishment.  What I realized after reading it was the raw emotions of this character’s journey and less about plot of the story.  So I guess I’ll need to re-write again, only this time try to stick with the plot.  But I’m certainly not deleting what I wrote because it reflects who I truly am, despite what people think of me.

I’ve learned that I do care about others, but I’ve also learned that I also need to take care of me, otherwise everything else goes to pot.

I’m starting to make myself a priority and while other people may not like that change, it’s what I need.

I’m also starting to change from being everyone’s whipping post to being a warrior.

This will mean unfriending people, unsubscribing from people, unfollowing people and giving people loving, but firm, responses when they cross my boundaries.

For anyone who may think this is not Christian hasn’t met Jesus yet in their struggles.

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