Sunday, April 12, 2020

Update 12 April 2020

Happy and blessed Easter Sunday!

After several sleepless nights this past week, I finally broke down and took Ambien for both Thursday night and Friday night.  Needless to say, I couldn’t sleep last night.  Ha, ha.

Friday we had the day off and I pretty much spent it sleeping.

Saturday I listed to an audiobook while getting some things cleaned up around the house.  I made two trips to recycling and I’m still not done.

I have a pile started of donations but since no one is taking donations right now, I’m going to put the stuff in storage until things start opening up.  I wonder if I’ll be one of a line of people donating stuff after being quarantined for so long and decluttering.  I’m sure I’m not alone in looking around my home and feeling like there is way too much stuff.

I’ve been slowly working on the dining room table since January as part of my new life - new me - new home initiative I am working with my therapist on.  I didn’t take a before picture, but given that I have brethren from my Church coming this morning to bring the Sacrament, I did the last finishing touches.  Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ definitely work miracles.  Ha, ha.

I also managed to finish up with the dishes piling up in my sink and shined my sink.  It’s not by any means perfect, but at this point it’s enough.

A few photos from this morning:

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