Saturday, February 27, 2016

Tax Time!

Photo credit:  Oaks, Linda. us_treasury_building.jpg. 2009. Pics4Learning. 28 Feb 2016 <>

Yes, I realize that today is not April 15th, although based on our current weather in Arizona, it feels like it already is.

No, but today is a special day, it's not March yet, but I did and submitted my taxes today and yes, they have been accepted at both the state and federal level!

Major progress!

Much of this is due to not only the Family Finances class I'm re-taking, but also that I have finally entered into the 21st century and now am having Quicken download my transactions automatically from my financial institution, so I can better track everything that's going on.  This also makes reconciling monthly statements A BREEZE!

This gives me less time doing the grunt work, and more time looking over my finances to see where I can cut and where I can invest time and money to do a better job of handing my finances.


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