Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Burnout Week 2

I’m in my second week of vacation and am still feeling like I’m in recovery mode.

Thankfully, I no longer wake up in the morning feeling like burnt toast.

My brain is starting to be able to multitask again.

Keep in mind though, this was after 4-5 days of sleeping, eating and filling my body with medicine and vitamins.  This took a serious toll on my health.

Yesterday I met with my therapist and explained to her that given the way I was feeling, I had left a decluttering group and the ANWA group as my brain was no longer able to create at this point.  One of the key things she told me was that I should take this time off to take care of me, not worry about decluttering right now until my body feels like it’s ready.  It was wonderful, it felt like I was getting permission to simply get some rest.

I left social media for the most part, with the exception of keeping in touch with a good friend who was apparently concerned about me.  I did try to keep up with birthdays on Facebook.  :-)

Last week I had the next round of hormone replacement therapy done, which I’m sure is helping my body recuperate.

Today I went for a walk around my complex and felt well enough to go Costco and Walmart shopping.

I had voted last week so that had already been done.

I am just thankful for the time off to rest.

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