Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Historic Week

This has been a week of some very shocking tragedies as well as some of our greatest triumphs.

We are still in pandemic mode from COVID - 19.  People are wanting to go back to partying without social distancing and masks, and an number of these people may be more vulnerable to the virus than they think.  It’s very sad to watch this, knowing that some will face consequences that could end their lives.

The Navajo Nation has been hit very hard and has surpassed New York in deaths per capita.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the United States...

A number of murders have occurred resulting in nationwide marches and some resulting in riots.  My love has always been towards the black community and my prayers particularly go with the children who, I would imagine, are afraid to leave their homes because of the mixed messages of the law enforcement community and the racism that still exists in the United States.  This racism cannot continue.

Just as things couldn’t get any crazier, the group Anonymous has done a data dump of files from Jeffrey Epstein’s information, namely information about who was allegedly in his little black book and a list of people President Trump allegedly paid off for alleged sexual assaults.  I saw the list before it got removed very quickly off Twitter and it was pretty bad.

To end on a high note, the past few days have seen the marvel of space flight return to the United States through the partnership between NASA and SpaceX.  Yesterday was a successful launch and today has been a successful docking and the start of what appears to be a month long stay aboard the International Space Station.  It has taken years of hard work and risk taking to get here.

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