Thursday, October 10, 2019

Happy World Mental Health Day

Tuesday afternoon, I was overcome with anger and depression and it felt like the anger was winning.  I had a private conversation with my boss that ended with me in a puddle of tears.  I went home feeling angry, depressed, anxious about how my boss now viewed me (he understands because he has been there too).

I went home and the feelings didn’t subside.

I prayed for help and guidance at that point.

The next day (yesterday), I took a wellness day off as I wasn’t myself.  I could tell the chemicals in my brain were not right.  I took all of the medications I am supposed to and then the grieving hit.  I cried for a bit of time yesterday and allowed myself to process the emotions.  It took a little while to get through it, meanwhile I was still praying while in the thick of it.  After the feelings left me, I said a prayer of gratitude that it ended.

Having read about having some ideas in mind that bring joy, I felt impressed to get some sunlight, so I opened up the Arcadia door and stepped out into the light and felt the Spirit of the Lord within the light.  I felt angelic hugs.  I felt peace.

Last night I had a dream that I’ve not had in quite a while, I was purchasing new temple garments with my new recommend (mine has been expired for some years) and I was looking forward to going to the Temple.

The healing continues.

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