Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Your Plan of Happiness - With A Limited Time Offer

In my religion, we talk about God’s Plan of Happiness.

Why aren’t we making our own Plan of Happiness?

Pull out your journals, your Patriarchal Blessing, some scratch paper.  Watch these videos and download the free worksheets.  At the end of the last video is a limited time offer that Muchelle has put together.  I’m incorporating that into the Clever Fox 13 Week Ultimate Life Planner.  Between all of these resources, along with prayer, I believe I can create a life that I no longer need to take self care days to get away from.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

22 October 2019

Today started off with a lot of nausea but has ended on a high note.

8-11 am - Worked a side hustle 
12 - 12:30 - Lunch with a special friend
1 - 2:30 pm 
Deposited money at the Credit Union
Gas up car @ Costco, plus picked up cat food.
Plus picked up human food @ Walmart.
I’m running the dishwasher and need to bring up the last of the groceries from the car.

I need to pay tithing, the credit card and put money in my savings.

I’m feeling much better as I’ve gotten some things accomplished!


Sunday, October 13, 2019

New Items From Clever Fox

Clever Fox has come out with some new products, I’m still in the process of looking through them, but I do have the photos from the Budget Planner that I’ve been using

The newer items are:

The Budget Book

The other?  The 13 Week Ultimate Achiever’s Planner

More information once I get into it!

The 13 Week Ultimate Achiever’s Planner

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Happy World Mental Health Day

Tuesday afternoon, I was overcome with anger and depression and it felt like the anger was winning.  I had a private conversation with my boss that ended with me in a puddle of tears.  I went home feeling angry, depressed, anxious about how my boss now viewed me (he understands because he has been there too).

I went home and the feelings didn’t subside.

I prayed for help and guidance at that point.

The next day (yesterday), I took a wellness day off as I wasn’t myself.  I could tell the chemicals in my brain were not right.  I took all of the medications I am supposed to and then the grieving hit.  I cried for a bit of time yesterday and allowed myself to process the emotions.  It took a little while to get through it, meanwhile I was still praying while in the thick of it.  After the feelings left me, I said a prayer of gratitude that it ended.

Having read about having some ideas in mind that bring joy, I felt impressed to get some sunlight, so I opened up the Arcadia door and stepped out into the light and felt the Spirit of the Lord within the light.  I felt angelic hugs.  I felt peace.

Last night I had a dream that I’ve not had in quite a while, I was purchasing new temple garments with my new recommend (mine has been expired for some years) and I was looking forward to going to the Temple.

The healing continues.