Friday, January 1, 2016

Booklist For 2016

Carey, Chris. bookshelf2.jpg. 10/12/1999. Pics4Learning. 1 Jan 2016 <>

Happy New Year!

Rather than randomly picking books this year, I thought I would make a list of books I want to read or re-read, and in the order I want to read them.  This doesn't mean there will be changes to this list, and if I finish this list before the years end, I may choose some books I've had on my bookshelf but haven't read yet.

Here we go, the list:

The Book of Mormon (almost done, but will be re-reading for Sunday School Lessons)

The Peacegiver - James L. Ferrell

Falling To Heaven - James L. Ferrell

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey

How To Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie

How To Stop Worrying & Start Living - Dale Carnegie

The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell

David & Goliath - Malcolm Gladwell

The Innovators DNA - Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton M. Christensen

Capital In The 21st Century - Thomas Piketty

A Monetary History of The United States - Milton Friedman & Anna Jacobson Schwartz

The Way To Wealth and Other Writings On Finance - Benjamin Franklin

The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas J. Stanley, William H. Danko

The Millionaire Mind - Thomas J. Stanley

To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee

Go Set It On A Watchman - Harper Lee

Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens

A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens

The Casual Vacancy - J. K. Rowling

The Cuckoo's Calling - Robert Galbraith

The Silkworm - Robert Galbraith

Career of Evil - Robert Galbraith

Dream New Dreams - Jai Pausch

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