Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Artwork Copyright: Disney

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mine is done for the night, and boy, am I full from the great food.

Mom came over and we had dinner together, the two of us.

When I was little, Mom would make the turkey, and my sister and I would try to do our part to help. In the 1980's, Mom went back into the world of work, which meant that she was usually working on Thanksgiving Day. This meant a little bit of a change: Dad making the turkey, with some help from teenager Dawn. Needless to say, I learned how to make a turkey.

When my sister left, we kept up the turkey tradition, only we would try to find smaller and smaller turkeys, until we realized we could have a better and easier time cooking chicken instead. Since Dad passed away, we don't do turkey at all; Mom doesn't like the taste of it.

This year, I had Mom over to my place. We both have cats, but I have just the one, so there is less competition for the food. :-) With corn, cranberry sauce, stuffing and an apple pie with spices and raisins, it was a very filling dinner to have. I now have plenty of leftovers to keep me going for a good week.

Tomorrow is Black Friday. What are your plans for it? I may do some grocery shopping, maybe some craft shopping, but no gift shopping this year. I made another investment over Veterans Day weekend (I'll talk about that on another post), so I've spent as much as I can afford for Christmas. I'm thinking this year will be smaller with giving some homemade crafts instead.

For those traveling, please be careful in your travels.

And for all, a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

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